The Joy of the Outdoors: Why Getting Outside is Good for Kids

As we approach the warmer months, it’s vital that our children get out and explore the outdoors and whilst many see playing outside as just a fun activity, it actually has a huge variety of benefits to children’s development as well as their social skills and overall health.


While we don’t promote staying in the scorching sun too long as we all know the dangers of sunburn, we do encourage children to get outside and get some much-needed Vitamin D. This vitamin is crucial to bone development and our immune system and by getting out in the sun every day, our bodies will work at their very best.

Fresh Air

It’s not only the sunshine that has great benefits on our bodies, but fresh air too. Oxygen is obviously essential to keeping us alive and maintaining a healthy brain function, but fresh air is also known to help with digestion, strengthen the immune system and also improve general mood and mental health. It also makes sleeping easier too! 


At the very least children should be outside for an hour a day and this doesn’t always have to be through structured exercise or a sports class, it can be through play instead. Whether it’s riding a bike with friends, playing catch with a ball or simply climbing and exploring the outside, these are all forms of exercise which will all aid your child’s development of their motor skills, bones, muscles and social skills.


There’s so much to see and learn about in the great outdoors and ultimately, the future of the outdoors and our planet is dependent on our children. By getting outside, you’re teaching your child to not only enjoy nature, but to look after it too. From walking in the woods, exploring the forests, seeing animals in their own habitat or playing in streams, there is endless fun to be had outside.  Greenery is also known to reduce stress too!

With warmer weather and longer days, there really is no excuse to getting out and exploring some new surroundings so get out today.