How to Manage Learning in Lockdown

It’s been a few weeks now since school closed due to COVID-19, which means for many parents it’s been a few weeks of home-schooling.

You may have already perfected your routine by now and figured out what works best for you and your child, but if you haven’t, or you’d just like some extra help, then we’ve gathered some of our best advice on how to learn in lockdown.

Keep a Routine

You’ve more than likely got some sort of routine going now, but it is very important that you try and stick to it, especially after the Easter holidays. This also helps the children realise that they aren’t off school on holiday and they still need to learn.  Keeping to a structure will also help the day flow a lot better.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Don’t try and get your children to write an essay for three hours, or to do a two-hour maths lesson; little and often is the best approach. Do little snippets of work from each class throughout the day, this way your child will stay motivated on the work they’re completing, as well as realise that all lessons are important, not just their English and Maths.

Remember Learning Should be Fun

Whilst we recommend that you do teach your child lessons that they would be doing in school, we also advise that you keep your learning time fun! Baking is a great way of doing this as it helps with both your child’s maths as well as their Food Technology studies, and other activities like painting and gardening to allow them to express some creativity. Don’t forget to share your most creative learning techniques with us on our Facebook page!

Let them Communicate

With this lockdown comes social isolation and constant supervision for your child, where they would usually be spending their school days with friends and an abundance of different school staff members. Letting your child keep communication with their friends through the phone or via Zoom or FaceTime can boost their morale massively.

Keep Moving!

As we all know, exercise releases endorphins and automatically lifts our spirits and it’s no different for children. Joe Wicks’ morning PE class is a great way to start the day, and something we have seen many of our children doing already. In between lessons try a spot of dancing or use your daily exercise to head outside for a nice walk together and make the most of your time in the fresh air. You could even have a hot chocolate in the garden

Remember every child is different, and what may be working for someone else and their family may not necessarily work for you. What we’re all experiencing at the moment is a unique situation, but we are so proud of how all our students have adapted to it. Keep up the good work everybody!