Why Extra Curricular Activities Are Important for Skill Building

A student’s social life is just as important as their academic life in order to develop. Extra-curricular activities provide a child with skills that they may not build elsewhere during this stage of their life and here at Oldham Hulme we know how important this is. That’s why students here have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities

There’s a large amount of pressure for students to perform well academically and whilst this is not wrong, it is important that children do experience a break from studying and develop as human beings in the outside world. Extra-curricular activities allow for students to develop their pre-existing academic skills, as studies show that those who participate in them see an improvement in the grades thanks to new skills they are learning.

Time Management
Learning how to balance academic life with hobbies allows for students to develop their time management skills as time must be allocated for each. Learning how to plan out their day effectively in order to get everything done is an essential skill to have and will also mean that they are less likely to procrastinate.

Once exposed to a wide range of new activities, students can start to understand which of these they enjoy most and want to continue to pursue. Then, they have a sense of commitment to this as they have a passion. This commitment extends to much wider areas of their life as a result.

Extra-curricular clubs allow students to meet new people and therefore make new friendships. Interacting with different people on a regular basis and learning to see from other’s points of views means that students who partake in these activities can relate better with peers, as well as have better leadership skills.

Not only is responsibility given to the student when having to manage their time, but it also comes through their behaviour too and through the form of leadership within the clubs and activities. Combined Cadet Force and Duke of Edinburgh are perfect examples of this, as they require the student to be responsible for their actions.

We always encourage our students to be part of extra-curricular which is why we have 27 different extra-curricular clubs and activities ranging from sport, drama, music and everything in-between like Master Chef Cooking and Young Enterprise business skills development! 115 of our students take instrumental music lessons and 88% of our Year 9 students are undertaking Duke of Edinburgh Bronze awards. Find out more about our extra-curricular clubs by clicking here.